Christmas puppet theater – BricoBlog

Christmas puppet theater

Christmas Crafts Contest 2013




– Scissors, cutex, screwdriver, permanent marker, medium brush.

– 1 plywood 1.25m x 0.62m

– 2 sheets of wood 1.15m x 0.30m

– 4 hinges

– 1 meter of red fabric (for the curtain)

– 2 meters of golden trimmings

– 1 green duct tape

– 1 pack of colored felt

– 1 pack of colored EVA foam

– Red Velcro

– 3 buttons

– 6 sticks of skewers

– 1 pack of cotton

– 4 cork balls of 50mm

– 1 cork ball of 70mm

– 1 cork ball of 90mm

– 4 toilet roll cardboard rolls

– Brown, white and yellow wool

– Craft eyes to glue

– 1 bottle of white glue

– Flesh-colored school paint, green, brown, blue, red, yellow, etc.

How to do it:

First I have to say that I had the help of my 2-year-old daughter, VALERIA, to make this craft. If you have children take advantage because they will love it and have a great time.

We begin to paint the cork balls, the 50mm ones, two in flesh color, one in brown, and another in a flesh tone with a little yellow. These balls will be the heads of the wise men and the papanoel. We will also paint the cardboard rolls, one red, one blue, one green and one yellow, which will be the bodies of the puppets.

Christmas puppet theater

While they dry we can make the hole for the theater in the largest sheet metal, the measurements are 0.48m wide by 0.37m high, 0.60m from the ground. I cut it with a good cutex, since I don’t have a saw to cut the sheet metal.

When you have already cut the sheet, we will paint it green, my daughter loved this, hehe. I did not paint the upper part of the front plate, since I covered it with green felt so that the theater part would stand out a little more, but if you want to be able to paint it all, as you like. We let the paint dry. and we will put the hinges to join the three sheets.

Christmas puppet theater

Now we proceed to create the puppets, with the balls and the rolls that we paint. With the red roll and the meat ball, we will make the papanoel. We glue the ball to the roll with silicone, we stick a skewer on the inside of the roll to the ball so as to have a grip on the puppet, now we are going to shape it. We put glue on the part of the ball that will be the hair, and we will stick small pieces of wool, then we will make the beard just as we did the hair.

We will glue the eyes and draw the nose and mouth. You can also draw a belt on the roll, or stick a piece of satin ribbon. With a rectangle of red felt we will make the layer for the papanoel, and we will glue it to the roll. We can put a little cotton on the edges of the cape, to decorate it. We will also make the hat with red felt and we will put a cotton ball on the tip of the hat, when the wool is well glued to the ball, we will glue the hat too. Finally we cut two pieces of black eva rubber to make the papanoel boots, and we glued them to the roll. We would have finished this papanoel by now.

Next we can make the snowman, with the 70mm and 90mm balls. To join them directly the keys with the skewer. Let’s glue a ball and stick pieces of cotton, then the other. When they are already covered with cotton, we glue the eyes, the nose (an orange stick) and the mouth (with a piece of wool), with a strip of felt we make the scarf and glue the three buttons. We make a hat with black eva rubber, and glue it to the doll. We would have finished it.

Christmas puppet theaterTo make the wise men, it is the same procedure, but with different colors, and instead of a hat, they wear a crown, I made it with yellow EVA foam.

Christmas puppet theaterNow we will finish making the Christmas puppet theatre.

We will decorate the theater, I put some strips of golden trimmings around the stage, cut the red fabric in two parts, to make the curtain as you see it in the photo, but you can also make a whole curtain, it’s easier. To attach the curtain to the sheets, I put red Velcro, so if they ever get stained they can be removed for washing.

I decorated the badges with Christmas motifs, I put a Christmas tree made with felt, the papanoel sleigh (also felt), snowflakes, and some Christmas flowers (which I made by cutting out egg cups and painting them).

Christmas puppet theaterWell, I simply hope that you like my particular CHRISTMAS PUPPET THEATRE, my daughter and I really enjoy doing it, and now I will give it to the school so that many little ones can enjoy it, Christmas is very beautiful, especially for those children with so much enthusiasm and innocence.

Here is the final result.

Christmas puppet theater


Christmas craft contest


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