Decorate glass containers with the technique of marbling

decorate recycling with the technique of marbling

Combining different colors with the marbling technique infinite shapes and drawings can be achieved, giving rise to exclusive and totally personalized results. Surely you have many glass containers at home that you can recycle and turn into DIY decorative objects using this technique.

I have already told you on several occasions that we frequently use glass containers at home and that I always look for some way to take advantage of them. I reuse several of them to store food (I’m a fan of creams and purées), others to store my homemade paint and some I recycle as decoration objects as you can see in the following image (you can see the tutorials step by step). step in this link).

recycle glass to turn it into decorative objects

As they say that variety is the taste and one likes to try different techniques, this time I wanted to decorate a bottle and a glass jar using the marbled technique, for this you need these materials:

primer for glass (a homemade primer can be made).
Paint for the base color.
synthetic enamel to make the marbled effect. You can use spray enamel, liquid and even nail polish.
– A plastic containerporexpan trays also work.
Masking tape.
Mouse tail or rope to decorate the neck of the glass container.

Once we have gathered all the materials, we will follow the Next steps to create the marble effect we are looking for:

1º.- In the first place it will be necessary to remove labels from glass containersTo do this, it is sometimes enough to soften the label with hot water, rub with a scourer and remove the remains of the adhesive with acetone. If the label resists, we will have to put the container in a pot with boiling water and wait until we see that it can be easily peeled off.

2º.- Next we will give a glass primerFor this, you can use a multipurpose primer or a homemade one that is very easy to make with putty for joints reduced with a little water, since in this way the brush will slide better.

priming glass containers

Although the primer dries quickly, it is best to allow several hours for it to adhere properly to the glass container. It is also advisable to sand the surface with a very fine grit sandpaper once it has dried.

3º.- Then glass containers will be painted with a base color. I have used forging spray paint since it has a matte black color that I love.

spray paint glass containers

The advantage of using spray paint is that you only need a few minutes to paint bottles and glass jars, although we must bear in mind that we must choose a place that is ventilated and properly protect the area so as not to stain anything.

4º.- Once the drying time indicated by the manufacturer has elapsed (see on the packaging), protected with masking tape the areas that we do not want to decorate with the marbling technique. In addition to this, we provide glass containers with a more modern and personalized appearance.

masking tape to create effects

5º.- To get a marbled effect with paint We must pour a little water (approximately one finger) into a plastic, glass or Styrofoam container large enough to fit horizontally into the glass container we want to decorate. Next we will spray a little synthetic spray enamel on the water (Liquid synthetic enamel can also be used). It is very important that we use a synthetic enamel or an oil-based paint so that it does not merge with the water and stays flush with it.

paint marbling technique

You can use one or several colors, I have only used a gold enamel. Finally, to shape it and create a pattern similar to that of marble, we will remove the enamel with a plastic spoon.

paint marbling technique

5º.- The next step will consist of submerge the side of the glass container inside the container and extract it after a couple of seconds, we will observe how the enamel is adhered with the same drawing that it had formed in the water. Repeat this operation several times until completing the entire surface to be painted.

Finally, all that remains is to carefully remove the masking tape and decorate the edge of the jar and bottle with mouse glue.

decorate glass containers with the technique of marbling

Have you ever tried the marbling technique? As you have already seen, it is an easy technique to do with which you can obtain beautiful results on different surfaces. Dare to decorate with this technique to give an exclusive touch to your decoration objects.

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