Drill tiles, tricks and useful tips

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Hanging a painting or some decorative object is not exactly one of the most complex jobs. And I assure you, sooner or later, you will find yourself in front of the wall with the drill in your hand.

Regardless of whether you are a “handyman” or not, and the degree of skill you may have, this simple operation can be extremely complicated if the place where you need to drill is in the kitchen or bathroom.

The enamel that covers the face of the tiles makes when turning the bit, it slips and slides uncontrollably to all sides.

Drilling tiles Sequence of tips and tricks - photo 1

Three tricks to drill tiles without any complications.

Therefore, in this article we wanted to share some tips that will make certain DIY tasks easier for you: drill tiles.

Likewise, before continuing, I take this opportunity to also share with you a website that, by chance, I have come across, and I have found it very interesting. They are dedicated to home renovations, and they also have a lot of advice, but on a more technical level, in everything related to reforms.

Well, as I was saying, to drill tiles and not die trying, comfortably doing an impeccable job, we are going to tell you three simple tricks below.

But before moving on to the theory, I leave you with a demonstration video of all the above, to dispel any doubts that may arise.

First Trick – Duct Tape

The first tile drilling trick is the easiest and requires the fewest tools. Attention:

Once you have measured and marked the exact place on the wall, stick a piece of adhesive tape of any kind on the wall, be it packing tape, insulating tape, masking tape, or any other similar. Glue two or three pieces, one on top of the other.

As it is possible that the mark we had made has been hidden, measure again and mark on the tape.

Drilling tiles Drilling with adhesive tape - photo 2

Trick #1 – Use the adhesive tape.

Now you just have to take the drill, and without the firing pin, carefully pull the trigger. Start drilling at low revolutions, I insist, and without percussion. Once the enamel layer of the tile has been removed, you activate the hammer and drill without mercy, at this point there is no longer any fear of the bit slipping.

What the tape does, simply put, is prevent the bit from skidding across the tile surface.

Second Trick – The Punch

The start of the second trick for drilling tiles is similar to the previous one. We measure and mark on the wall the place where the drill will go. But instead of putting tape, we take an awl or a Phillips screwdriver, put it on the mark and, with a hammer, give a couple of sharp blows, but carefully.

It is about giving a peck and minimally chipping the enamel of the tile in the place where the block will go.

Drilling tiles Punching the tile - photo 3

Trick #2 – Punching the tile.

Be careful not to hit too hard, or catch an area where the tile has been left hollow, as you could break it.

Once this is done, all you have to do is proceed with drilling with the drill hammer activated.

Third Trick – The Perfect Drill Bit

This third and final “trick” is simply about choosing the right drill bit. With a drill bit indicated for drilling tiles, you avoid the two previous tricks. You just have to mount the drill bit in the drill and make the hole.

Drilling tiles Bosch ceramic drill bit - photo 4

Bosch CYL-9 Ceramic Drill Bit

I am referring, for example, to the Bosch CYL-9 tile drill bit, which is designed precisely for drilling tiles, porcelain, ceramics and glass.

Its tip is optimized to start drilling without slipping.

Eye: You must bear in mind that to work with this drill you must do it at low revolutions and WITHOUT activating the hammer.

However, it also has the advantage that it does not need to be refrigerated.

Drill tiles with Bosch ceramic drill - photo 5

Trick #3 – Drill with a special ceramic drill.

Well, you choose how to do it. From now on, drilling tiles will be sewing and singing. And if you need to do some major home renovation, put yourself in the hands of the best professionals and visit the Instapro website.

Do you know more “grandfather’s homemade tricks” that make our lives easier?

Send them to buzon@bricoblog.eu and we will share them.

For our part, we have a specific section of tips and tricks for DIY, which we advise you to visit.

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