How to care for wooden floors

Wood is a noble material that brings elegance and provides comfort to your home. Special care must be taken with the platform, since it is exposed to continuous wear. If you want to keep its appearance as the first day, do not miss this practical guide to caring for wooden floors.

Among the qualities of wood, it stands out that it is a renewable, recyclable, biodegradable material and also acts as a thermal and acoustic insulator. Its use as flooring dates back to time immemorial and is still very current. In fact, it is difficult to find a material that can match the warmth of natural wood floors.

However, it is also very delicate as it is still alive even after being cut from the tree. For this reason, it requires a series of care that protects it from environmental conditions, traffic and the friction of furniture.

Main problems of wooden floors and their solution

Below are both the most common problems that can affect wooden floorsas well as its solution.

loss of color

The direct incidence of sunlight, as well as heat and humidity can cause the wood loses its natural color. To solve it, it is advisable to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Ideally, humidity should be between 40% and 60%, as well as an interior temperature of the house between 18ºC and 25ºC.

On the other hand, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided as much as possible by using rugs or lowering the blinds when the rays fall directly on the floor. In this sense, a good option is to use vinyl rugs since they have the following advantages:

  • They do not accumulate dust and are antibacterial, so they are recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • They clean very easily with a little soap and water or a mild detergent.
  • They are ideal when you have pets (as is my case), since they do not accumulate hair.
  • They are fireproof and can be placed on underfloor heating.
  • They are very resistant to wear and continuous use.

In addition, there is so much variety of designs and colors that it is practically impossible not to find one that does not fit your decoration. Proof of this are the following hydraulic vinyl mats.

vinyl rugs for hardwood floors


The wear that occurs when walking on the parquet It can be prevented with the care and maintenance of the floor. To do this, it is advisable to wear rubber-soled shoes, as well as to nourish and protect the wood with a suitable product.

In this way, the parquet will not only preserve its beauty, but we will also increase its useful life and save money, since when it is very worn, it must be stabbed to recover it.

shoes with rubber soles to avoid scratching wooden floors


wood is a delicate material that can be easily scratched and damaged, especially with the friction of furniture and when there are children or pets at home. To prevent scratches and scratches, the following is recommended:

  • Place rugs and mats at the entrance of the home to catch dirt, sand or stones that can scratch the floor. For example, vinyl rugs They can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  • Fix felt protectors on the legs of furniture (tables, chairs, armchairs, etc.) to avoid scratching the floor when moving them.
  • Cut your pet’s nails regularly.

remove scratches from wood

Separation of joints and cracking

The Changes in humidity in the environment can cause the parquet to expand and contract, causing the appearance of joints. If the environment is excessively dry (humidity below 30%), the use of a room humidifier is recommended to prevent joint separation. You can also use a homemade trick consisting of showering with the door open so that the water vapor leaves the bathroom and spreads throughout the house.

stains on the floor

For prevent our wooden flooring from staining Immediately clean up any stains or spills. If the liquid penetrates the wood it can degrade the surface or swell the floor.

In addition, it is recommended to use a product that protects and waterproofs the surface for its maintenance. In this way, dirt will be prevented from settling and will facilitate daily cleaning.

wood deck care

Renew the shine

For revive the shine of your parquet or wooden platform, the following is recommended:

  1. Make sure the floor is clean of embedded dirt
  2. Use a floor polish periodically
  3. Apply a product a couple of times a year that also nourishes the wood and restores its luster.

keys to take care of wooden floors

Keys to protect the platform

  • For the cleaning and maintenance of wooden floors, floor cleaners with ammonia or bleach should not be used, but products that nourish and protect it from friction and wear.
  • Use rugs to protect the wooden platform both from the sun’s rays and from the friction and wear caused by the furniture.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity inside your home, as well as an excessively dry environment that can cause heating. To avoid this, use humidifiers.
  • In this guide to wood finishes you will find which products are the most suitable for protecting your floor.

keys to take care of the wooden platform
Ultimately, when take care of wooden floors Don’t forget that prevention is better than cure. If you follow these tips and recommendations to prevent wear, scratches, cracks or stains, you will ensure that your parquet will look like new for a long time.

If you liked this practical guide on how to care for wooden floors, visit , you will find many more guides and DIY projects.

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