How to make a homemade Rosco de Reyes

Rosco de Reyes casero - destacada

How to make our own Rosco de Reyes. We are now practically in the middle of the Christmas holidays and, as is customary, on Three Kings’ Day we share the traditional roscón de reyes with family and friends.

Therefore, today we bring you a work of “kitchen diy”, since we want to show you how to make your own rosco de reyes. Totally homemade, but just as good, or even better than what you can buy out there.

With the added advantage of being able to make it completely to your liking and that of yours, making it exactly the size you want, with the filling you want, with the surprises that the little ones in the house choose, with the candied fruit that you like the most, etc.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 1

To do this, we are going to have the collaboration of our friend “the queen of the stove”, who will teach us, step by step, how to make a delicious Roscón de Reyes.

Cheer up!! It is nothing complicated. It takes some time, but it’s worth it.

Well, let’s go to what interests us.

Video tutorial Roscón de Reyes

Ingredients needed for the rosco de reyes

The quantities of ingredients that we indicate below, are the corresponding ones to make a roscón of approximately 1 kg of weight.

In order to try to make things easier for you, I am going to indicate the ingredients organized by the different processes that you will have to carry out.

  • Flavored icing sugar:
    • 120g of sugar.
    • 1 lemon.
    • 1 orange.
  • Sourdough:
    • 70g of milk.
    • 10g of fresh baker’s yeast.
    • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
    • 130gr of strong flour.
  • Dough:
    • 60g of milk.
    • 70g of butter.
    • 2 eggs.
    • 20g of fresh baker’s yeast.
    • 30gr of orange blossom water.
    • 450g of flour.
    • 1 pinch of salt.
  • Decor:
    • 1 beaten egg.
    • Candied fruits.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 2 - ingredients

Well, once we have all these ingredients ready, we can start.

flavored icing sugar

We will start by preparing the flavored icing sugar. To do this, the first thing is to prepare the zest, with the skin of an orange and a lemon.

In the glass, we put 120grs of sugar, close the lid and spray it for 30 seconds, at progressive speed 5-7-10.

Then add the orange and lemon zest, and program another 15 seconds at the same speed, that is, progressive speed 5-7-10.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 3

Have you seen how easy? We already have the icing sugar ready.

We pour the contents of the glass into a container and set it aside, for now, until we need it in a while.


Now we are going to make the sourdough. Therefore, once the glass is empty, we add 70g of whole milk, 10g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 130g of flour, close the glass with the lid and put on speed 4 for 15 seconds.

After this time, we remove the dough, make a ball, and place it in a bowl with warm water, covering it completely. It is important that the water completely covers the ball of dough.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 4

The dough will be ready when it doubles in volume and floats in the water, which will take approximately 30 minutes.

After this time, we take it out.

Preparation of the dough

Now it is the turn of the dough. Add the following ingredients to the glass. Important do it in the order I indicate:

The icing sugar that we had made in the first step, 60g of milk, 70g of butter at room temperature, 2 eggs, 20g of fresh baker’s yeast, 30g of orange blossom water, 450g of flour, a pinch of salt and, finally, place, the sourdough.

We close and put at speed 6 for 30 seconds.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 5

Next, in the kneading position, we program for 5 minutes.

When finished, let it rest inside the glass for 3 or 4 hours. In this way we will achieve a spongy dough.

After this time, with the help of the paddle, we lower the dough so that it is all inside the glass, close it, and return to the kneading position, but this time only for a minute.

Well, we already have the dough. We remove it, putting it on a floured surface, so that it does not stick, and we knead it a little more with our hands.

It depends on the size you want to do. You can use it all for a single donut or, as in our case, we are going to make two small donuts, so we will make two balls.

We could now proceed in two different ways.

The first if we continued with the preparation of our rosco de reyes, in which case, we would continue with the baking.

Or the second option, which would be to save the dough until Three Kings, to eat it freshly made.

In the latter case, we will wrap the ball(s) of dough in kitchen film. It is important to roll it/s well and without making air bubbles. And we leave them cold in the refrigerator or we can even freeze them.

Well… the magical day of the Three Kings has arrived. The first thing is to remove the ball of dough that we had made from the refrigerator, and leave it for a while at room temperature to cool down. If you have frozen it, leave it for several hours at room temperature so that it thaws naturally.

Now, we remove the plastic, we knead it a little with our hands, we stick a finger in the center to start giving it the shape of a donut, and we stretch it little by little.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 6

Ok, once we have given it the desired shape and size, it is ready to be baked.

Baking of the Roscón

While we preheat the oven, we are going to give the final touches before baking.

We put it on the oven tray, and we introduce a round mold inside our rosco de reyes, so that the hole does not disappear in this process.

We will chop the candied fruit.

We will paint the rosco with egg, put the pieces of fruit, and paint again.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 7

And now it is time to put it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, at 200º.

The last 5 minutes, we lower the temperature to 180º so that it does not burn. However, if you notice that it is toasting too much or you simply like the dough lighter, we will put aluminum foil on top.

Well, once the baking time has elapsed, it’s ready.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 8

Now we unmold it carefully so as not to damage it and, finally, we open it in half and fill it with whatever we want. In our case we are going to fill the roscón with whipped cream.

Vualá… We already have our Rosco de Reyes ready to enjoy it.

Homemade Rosco de Reyes 9

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