how to paint a brick wall


I love exposed brick walls because they are timeless, they adapt perfectly to modern, traditional or eclectic environments and also add a lot of personality to any room. When painting them you have to take into account the particular characteristics of the brick, so do not miss all these keys to paint a brick wall correctly.

The exposed or facing brick is a construction material that is manufactured to be placed both indoors and outdoors without any type of coating. That is to say, that as happens with the tile, It is not a material that in principle is intended to be painted.

If you want to know all the keys to paint a tile wall Do not miss this link.

Due to the specific characteristics of brick, before painting a wall or fireplace covered with this material, we must take into account a series of considerations.

Surface Preparation

First of all we will make sure that the brick wall is dry and free of moisture. Brick is a porous material through which water can filter through its pores or through mortar joints. If the wall we want to paint has dampness or water leaks, first of all they will have to be repaired since when painting a brick wall we will seal its natural pores, the humidity will stay inside because it will not be able to evaporate and this will cause the paint to skip over time, as happens when there is moisture in a plaster wall.


A common problem that we can find in brick walls affected by humidity is the efflorescence. Efflorescence is the name given to the deposits of whitish salts that are deposited on the surface of the brick when moisture evaporates due to the effect of the sun or the air.

If, on the other hand, the brick is newly installed, we should let a few months pass before painting the wall to allow it to dry perfectly and check for hidden defects (damages that appear over time).

Secondly, it will be necessary to check the compatibility between paint and wall since although the chemical composition of most bricks is neutral, that of the mortar is usually alkaline. There are some types of paint that can react to the alkalinity of the mortar therefore it is always recommended to test paint or use an alkaline pH resistant primer.

Third, we must clean the surface. Before painting a brick wall we must make sure that it’s totally cleanTo do this, it can be sprayed with a mixture of white vinegar and water and rubbed with a cloth, or with a thick bristle brush in the event that there is a difficult stain.


Finally It is important that we use a quality primer and paint that is specific for painting bricks, in this way we will ensure a good finish and its durability with basic maintenance.

finishing options

As with plaster walls, we can also give brick walls different finishes thanks to paint.

One of the most common is paint a brick wall white. The great advantage of this finish is that it brings light, reduces the visual heaviness of the brick and provides a feeling of greater spaciousness to the room.



Another option would be a bleachedTo do this, for example, one part of water and 3 parts of paint must be mixed and applied by brushing irregularly, in this way we will achieve an aged appearance.



On the other hand, you can get a irregular whitening adding more water to the paint and leaving part of the wall unpainted, in this way a very worn wall effect is achieved.


Also you can darken the brick instead of covering it completely with paint, giving it a warmer appearance but without losing its texture. To do this, the same whitewashing technique is used, but using a mixture with more water than paint and toasted tones or dark terracotta.



Another more daring option consists of paint a graffiti on the brickthere is no doubt that it will give the room a very urban and original touch that will not leave anyone indifferent.


Do you want to know more about the urban-chic style? Click on this link to know all its keys.

Finally, it must be taken into account that although there are chemical products to remove the paint from the brick, these usually emit a fairly intense odor and do not ensure the complete removal of the paint due to the porosity of the brick. For this reason, before painting a brick wall, we must be sure of both the color and the technique that we are going to use.

Do you have a brick wall at home or do you plan to install one? If so, and you want personalized, I hope that all these tips have been useful for you. paint a brick wall without having to regret having done it incorrectly.

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