How to recycle an energy saving light bulb


A energy saving light bulb It lasts longer and consumes less than an incandescent light bulb. In addition, incandescent light bulbs ceased to be manufactured in September 2012, so it is very common for the vast majority of our light bulbs at home to be low consumption. Despite their durability, energy-saving light bulbs also end up burning. At that time, the usual thing is to take it to a recycling point, but we can also recycle it in another way, read on to find out how.

A peculiarity of Energy saving lightbulbs is that some have a spiral shape that is quite attractive, so I thought I could do something original with one that had recently melted, for example, a small flower vase.



to make our vase with a low consumption light bulb we will need the following materials:

– A energy saving light bulb cast. Better if it has a spiral shape as it is more decorative.

– A yogurt jar. We need a base for our light bulb vase and I found that a yogurt jar would fit the bill perfectly.

carpenter’s glue. What would I do without her? The glue will serve as a primer when painting.

Acrylic paint whatever color we want. Acrylic paint is another essential for our crafts as it is cheap, easy to get and has a wide variety of colors.

– A brush. Although you can also use a sponge brush. With the brush we will obtain a more rustic finish since the brushstrokes will be slightly noticeable, providing a little relief, however, the sponge brush will give it a smoother and more uniform finish.

Adhesive. I have used a silicone gun but you can also use a strong adhesive and a stick to join the bulb with the base.

external decoration. It is convenient to place some material to hide and make the union between the base (the yogurt jar) and the bulb more beautiful, I have chosen some silver rubber bands but you can use anything that comes to mind: a tied piece of cloth, satin ribbon, string, buttons, etc…

internal decoration. Dried flowers, fabric, felt, EVA foam, paper, twigs, spikes….


The steps are very simple, first of all mix a bit of carpenter’s glue with the acrylic paint that you are going to use and stir it until it is homogeneous. Next apply a couple of layers of this mixture to the bulb and the yogurt jar (waiting for the paint to dry between coats). In this way you will have given primer necessary for the paint to adhere correctly to the materials (glass and plastic).


Once both coats of primer have dried (usually takes an hour or less), apply a coat of acrylic paint (tailless). You will see that now you have a higher tone.

We wait again for the paint to dry and we join the two parts of our vase with the adhesive, I used a silicone with glitter but you can use any strong adhesive that you have at home. If the vase is going to be in an area where there is a current, we I suggest that before gluing the two parts you fill the inside of the yogurt jar with something that gives it weight (sand for example).

For decorate the joint between the glass of yogurt and the light bulb I used some metallic rubber bands that I already had but we can take advantage of anything else we have at home: string, ribbon, scraps of fabric, buttons…


Finally we just have to add some flowers to bring this original to life vase that we have created by recycling an energy-saving light bulband which is now another decorative accessory that we can place in any corner of our house.


What do you think of the final result? Has it ever occurred to you to take advantage of a defective bulb? As you can see, it only takes a little creativity to give a second life to everyday objects that we usually have at home. Do you dare to make your own vase-bulb?

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