Keys to promote your business through packaging

Packaging is a fundamental part of the commercial activity of any physical and online business. In campaigns such as Christmas, in which sales increase, it can be a factor that distinguishes you from your competition. With this guide you will learn the keys to promote your business through packaging and improve the presentation of your products.

As much as we say that what is important is the interior, there is no doubt that the first thing that enters the eyes is the exterior. Good packaging will not only make your products more attractive, but will ensure that they arrive in perfect condition.

Also, packaging can become a key factor in promoting your business and distinguishing yourself from your competition. In this article you will find the keys to know how you can do it by taking advantage of the packaging of your products.

Protect your products

One of the main functions of packaging is to protect the product during shipment:

  • As consumers, we do not like to receive something damaged even if we know that we can exchange it for a new one. In fact, it is a negative factor when expressing our opinion about a product or company.
  • At the company level, the fact that it arrives in perfect condition will save us the costs of product replacement and logistics.

It is essential to find the packaging that best suits the size, weight and characteristics of our products. For this reason, we must have a business packaging company that provides us with cheap cardboard boxes of different thicknesses and a multitude of sizes, as well as bubble wrap to protect fragile objects.

protect shipments to improve your business

Customize your shipments

One of the main advantages of having a custom packaging is that it increases the visibility of your company. In fact, not only the recipient of the package will see the mark, but also all the people who have intervened during the transport.

Ecommerce specialized in packaging for businesses such as allow you to customize all types of packaging for shipments:

  • Padded envelopes, cardboard, postal boxes…
  • Cardboard boxes, pizza boxes, bakery bags, etc.
  • Adhesive tapes, labels, stretch films…
  • Plastic bags, kraft bags, tissue paper, etc.

In short, personalizing your packages will slightly increase the cost of your shipments, but it is a small investment that you will make the most of by creating your own brand identity and differentiating yourself from the competition.

custom packaging packaging

Personalize your campaigns

If you customize your packaging why not personalize your campaigns? Just as there are promotional codes to encourage sales on important dates such as Halloween or Christmas, a themed packaging will help to attract the attention of your customers.

In fact, speaking to your audience through your packaging is a fun and clever way to connect. Use attractive designs and messages that impact.

christmas packaging

The importance of good labeling

Labeling consists of printed information that appears both on the outside and inside the package. It must convey information to the user about the product: brand, manufacturer data, product components, barcodes, instructions for use, return policy, etc. In addition, you must carry information about the agencies that regulate the sale of the same.

In any case, the information must be clear and exact, so that our customers obtain a good impression of our products once the package is opened.

package labeling

Create useful packaging

One way to perpetuate the spread of your brand is to create a packaging that can be used for other uses. For example:

  • That the same container serves to store other types of objects.
  • Create contests on social networks proposing that customers put their creativity to work when it comes to giving your packaging a second use.
  • Show the reuse of your packages to wrap Christmas gifts. In this link you will find 23 ideas to wrap Christmas gifts.

personalized packaging campaigns

Adapted packing station

Having a space or station dedicated to packaging is essential to develop the logistics activity of your business efficiently, profitably and quickly. It will contribute to the packaging being carried out correctly and adjusted to each product.

Although having a packing station involves an investment, there are different alternatives that can help you reduce costs. From a large table supported on trestles, to a packing station that you can make yourself from a metal shelf as you can see in the following image.

DIY packing stall

Thanks to all these keys you will get promote your business through packaging. Do not doubt the advantages of taking advantage of the shipments of your products both in the next Christmas campaign, and in the following ones. They will help you to ensure that your brand and your company do not fall into oblivion.

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