practical guide with all types

With the current times, the crisis that we have been suffering for so many years and that has brought us a considerable increase in crime. It is not surprising that many of us live worried, even scared, about the security of our home. A robbery is one of the most feared matters, which not only endangers our belongings, but also the members of our family if there is any type of confrontation with the assailants. For this reason, the following practical guide to the most common locks on the market It will help you increase the security of your home.

There is no doubt that the lock is a key element for the security of any property. The majority of thieves enter the interior of homes by circumventing them, either with the system known as bumping, with lock picks, or simply breaking them directly… So it is well worth spending some time informing ourselves about what we can do to defend ourselves against these attacks.

Types of locks that may interest you for your home

We must start by warning that when we decide to change the locks for the door of our home so that they offer us protection adapted to the new times we live in, we must always go to fully trusted locksmiths for their installation, as well as reference sites to acquire them. . An online store that we like very much and that is BaƱon y Sanchezis specialized in security locks that avoid, thanks to their quality and strength, unexpected assaults.

And it is that, regardless of whether the lock is installed by a trusted expert, the most important thing is that the lock has been manufactured by the best brands and complies with all guarantees. In this way, we ensure its durability and it will provide us with the peace of mind that it will fulfill its function perfectly.

Below you will be able to learn about the main types of locks, those that are commonly used to increase the security of homes and also in shops and offices.

Embedded or recessed locks

First of all, we find mortise or recessed locks, which are the most common in homes and allow you to close or open by turning a latch. Although they are usually mounted on wooden doors, it can also be done on metal doors.

mortise lock

multipoint locks

We continue with the multipoint locks that are safer compared to the previous ones, since, as its name suggests, it has several anchors at different points. When the key is closed, the rivets available to it are inserted into the door frame itself.

multipoint locks

tubular locks

Tubular locks, on the other hand, are one of the most classic, but in this case they are used not to protect the house from strangers, but inside the house itself to have more privacy. They are usually used in bathrooms or bedrooms and with them we close from the inside of the room. They are also widely used in toilets in public spaces, such as cinemas, restaurants, airports…

Gorjas or borjas lock

A type of lock that is currently in disuse and that is installed less and less is the well-known model of gorjas or borjas. As we say, nowadays, less and less are being installed, due to the ease with which they are opened by thieves, opting for more up-to-date models in terms of security.

Overlapping locks

Overlapping locks are those that are added on the surface of the door, just on the outside of it, hence they are called overlaid. In this type of lock, the security it provides us depends on the materials with which it is made, which is why this is once again a case in which it is of vital importance to acquire them from totally trustworthy sites.

Cylindrical locks or European profile

We continue talking about cylindrical locks or European profile, being one of the most common used in access doors to offices, homes, etc. The mechanism of this lock is embedded in the door and its axis is made up of a cylinder in which the key is inserted to open and close it.

fixed cylinder lock

High security locks

High security locks, as expected, are the ones that offer us higher levels of protection, and are the ones used in armored doors, jointly increasing preventive measures against the entry of thieves.

high security lock

digital locks

Digital locks are the ones commonly used in hotel rooms, although they can also be installed in private homes without any inconvenience.

With this review of most common locks on the marketWe hope to have resolved doubts in this regard. Above all, we must highlight the importance of only having locks made of good materials, endorsed by the major brands in the sector.

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