Tips to save on bathroom renovations 100% EFFECTIVE

Are you going to reform the bathroom but you are horrified to think about the money you are going to spend? If you have a small budget do not miss these keys to save on bathroom renovation. You’ll make the bill hurt a little less.

The complete renovation of a bathroom that includes change of coatings, toilets, pipes, paint and finishes, can be around 6,000 euros. If this renovation is partial and we are only going to change the furniture, coverings, toilets and taps, this budget can be reduced considerably.

After renovating the two bathrooms in my home (you can see it here and here), these are the conclusions I have reached so that the budget does not skyrocket.

keys to save on bathroom renovation

Plan the reform

Before starting a reform it is essential that let’s be clear about the budget we have, it must also be a realistic amount of money. You can’t do a complete bathroom renovation on a tight budget and expect it to have the latest in design.

It is also recommended that we reserve a part of our budget to possible contingenciessince quite often we find last-minute surprises that make the expense higher than expected.

In any case, do the numbers and assess whether it is convenient for you to apply for a loan or wait until you have more money saved to face the expense.

plan before bathroom renovation

Look for qualified personnel

If you really want to stretch your bathroom renovation budget, hire a good professional, not only will it save you trouble but it will also advise you on everything related to the work.

To find bathroom renovation professionals, you can search on specialized pages. Another option is to ask acquaintances, friends, family, work colleagues… in short, the mouth, ear lifelong.

Request multiple quotes. The key is not only to choose the cheapest or the most expensive, but the one that really commits to their work and responds in case any problem arises after the reform. In other words, the best quality/price ratio.

keys to choose a professional when renovating the bathroom

Take care of the purchase of materials

We can save a considerable amount of money if we are the ones who take care of the purchase of materials. On the other hand, if we have everything ready for when the professionals arrive, they will use fewer hours of labor.

In terms of materials, we must apply that of «search and compare«. Keep in mind that being more expensive does not necessarily have to be better. Nor is it convenient to go for the cheapest since we already know that in the end it can be expensive. My recommendations are:

  • If you are going to renew cladding and flooring, you should choose models that do not go out of style easily and that are of a certain quality. Keep in mind that its placement is expensive and requires work, so it is not economical to change it every few years.
  • Assess whether it is necessary to place ceramic coating on all the walls. If the bathroom has good ventilation or is a toilet without a shower or bathtub, you can save a lot of money by painting the walls with special paint for wet areas or wallpaper for kitchens and bathrooms.
  • For the taps look for a good quality/price ratio since it is something that you can renovate without requiring too much labor cost, you can even do it yourself if you are a bit handy.
  • With respect to sanitary, be practical. It is clear that there are pieces with a very elegant design (and a high price), but sometimes they are not as practical as they should be or they use delicate materials that require some care. For this reason, first of all, think about what material is going to be more suitable for use in the bathroom (intensive, family, courtesy…) and assess whether it is really worth spending more for a hydromassage bathtub, for example.
  • For him furniture and decorationlike the toilet, I don’t think it’s worth paying more for the design since it is an element that can be easily renewed. With this I do not mean that we buy poor quality furniture that has to be changed four days after placing it, but there is a wide range of good quality products with a very competitive price.

Lastly, take advantage of rebates or the outlets to get the same at a cheaper price, who knows, you can always find a bargain.

keys to save on bathroom renovation


Do it yourself! But knowing your limitations. Do not start to tile the bathroom if you have never done it, it can go well but there is a good chance that it will go wrong.

However, what you can do is, for example, tune up the old furniture, or paint the walls, or make a cabinet for the sink yourself… In short, everything you can do for yourself will help you save money in the reform.

save money doing it yourself


Definitely, So that the final price of the bathroom reform does not skyrocket, we must cut back on:

  • Sanitaryware, taps, furniture, decoration… it’s not a matter of buying the cheapest, but we can find quality materials by comparing prices and taking advantage of sales, outlets and sales.
  • Tuning, restoring and recycling elements that we can reuse and incorporate into the bathroom.

On the other hand, we should spend most of our budget in:

  • A good team of professionals who do a good job and meet deadlines.
  • Quality coatings and floors that last for many years like the first day.

keys to save on bathroom renovation

I hope that all these tips will be useful to you. renovate the bathroom. If you liked this post, you can see more tips and DIY projects at .

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