Plastic materials that generate energy with the slightest movement

. Plastic materials that generate energy with the slightest movement, such as the impact of a drop of water. It can accumulate and serve to charge batteries and give devices a certain autonomy. New flexible materials allow...
Pavimientos de madera. Parte I - definiciones

Definitions of the different types of wooden floors.

. wooden floors Part I - Definitions First of all, we are going to start by briefly defining the different types of wooden flooring. . decking Wooden flooring made up of boards attached by their edges, generally with...
atrapa sueƱos

Making a dream catcher – BricoBlog

. A dreamcatcher or dream catcher is a handmade amulet, originally made with a willow wood hoop, a loose net inside and decorated with various objects, usually feathers. Its place of placement is the headboard of...
generacion de energias limpias

They investigate a bacterium that produces electricity during water purification

. A bacterium produces electricity during water purification . A group of Spanish and foreign researchers are immersed in a project that allows clean energy to be obtained directly from wastewater treatment, thanks to the help of...
Distintos tipos de soldaduras

Different types of welding

. The different types of welds Welding, in engineering, is the procedure by which two or more pieces of metal are joined by the application of heat, pressure, or a combination of both, with or without...
Uso responsable del agua

Tip for a responsible use of water

. We continue with our maxim: Take care of the most valuable thing we have, our planet, carrying out respectful and efficient practices with the environment. Practices that individually do not lead anywhere, but that carried out...